Municipal Civil guards and its constitutional paper 2011-09-07 14:45 Of the object of the municipal guards In recent years, one became current to hear interminable debates and to read articles and until entire literary compositions where social theoreticians, scientists, politicians and doctors of the law dedicate it to argue how much to the viability or unfeasibility, necessity or desnecessidade, constitutionality or unconstitutionality of the performance of preventive and repressive activities for the municipal guards in the field of the security of the citizens. The fact is that, while much if teoriza and if argue, the numbers of the violence grows exponentially. Also an audacity of the criminals and the barbarity of its action each time more imprisons the citizens in its homes that already nor they are so candies thus, as was costumava to say old. We also observe that the security (or would be the lack of it) one becomes, to each day, an excellent business, attractive filo for entrepreneurs who veem in the increment of crime and violence an enrichment chance. Curious to notice that these entrepreneurs, in its majority, are official military or former-military.

It would be the old philosophy of ' ' how much worse melhor' '? The State, in turn, with its maken a mistake politics, combat to-somente the effect and not it cause of the problem of the violence and crime. Meanwhile they grow and they proliferate ' organizations criminosas'. To each day we see the sprouting of armed military services that offer supposed protection to the significant parcel of the society desassistida for the State. In the way of this everything and suffering the consequncias is the population to clamar for aid that does not come. Thus, to invest in areas as education, health, leisure and work, coadunando with a new conception, a new model of policy whose focus is the prevention, seems to be the only hope.