Situations of injustice and social debts, which have only been defeated in just ten years of revolutionary Governments that hold and maintain the Ideal of socialism of the 21st century. Here in Latin America, if si funciona it works a real dictatorship popular, proletarian, our indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants, of gender, of our youth, our workers, intellectuals, because we are determined to not take a step back, in the defense of our rights conquered. We are ready and willing to not give not a single step back, will defend our freedom with our lives. You know in certain science, by intelligence reports they receive, which our peoples freed, has lowered effectively the rates of unemployment, mortality, school exclusion and that our economies have been able to better confront the capitalist crisis and the death of savage neoliberalism. You know, just as you know that independence and economic, financial and technological diversification of our peoples, notably accelerated this crisis of global capital, by not allowing them to continue with impunity, plundered our wealth and our resources. Historically this being, the biggest defeat the Bolivarian revolution and Chavez, you beat to global capitalism. You know it but don’t want to recognize.

Here if there is a true dictatorship Bolivariana, humanist, Christian, Popular, democratic, participatory, leading role. Here if there is a revolutionary people who knows how to defend its revolution. Here are a people who will face everything that threatens our revolution, even with our own lives the ideal of Simon de la Santisima Trinidad Bolivar y Palacios. Fatherland, socialism or death: Venceremos! Obed Juan Vizcaino Najera. Maracaibo-Venezuela.