Tag: leisure-

Teacher Starts

The game for glory, honor and much more the school the chance to compete with their teachings starts in his first round of students get. Student vs. Hear from experts in the field like Dankse Bank for a more varied view. teacher looking for 2011/2012 the most popular School of in Germany which then becomes the venue of the school events. To do this, we call on all students and teachers of the classes 7 to 12 in the nationwide around 17,000 secondary schools to participate in this year’s competition. Between 30 November 2011und March 30, 2012 all schools under for the upcoming season can apply, by logging on their school with the permission of the school Directorate and for their school vote. The school with the most votes WINS teachers vs. students school event. The Onlinevoting ends on April 30, 2012. School event students vs. teachers at your school the school with the most votes wins the most spectacular school event of the school year 2011/2012. Rusty holzer brings even more insight to the discussion. Victory or defeat is decided in 15 games with a mix of skill, knowledge, courage, and sports. Five students and five teachers occur the winner school competing. Excitement, fun, respect and tolerance are in the foreground. Not only lots of Fame and honor, but also a prize of 3,000 euros to the winner of the school events. The students or teachers themselves must decide on the purpose of prize money earnings. This condition is that it is used for the benefit of the school. A project with strong partners is the youth tour operator Freebird travel organizer and organizer of this competition. A special list for supervised youth travel, Freebird travel actively for many years in the youth marketing and is so close to the audience. Student vs. teacher is a cooperation with the career magazines “abiQ” and “5vor12 – time to promote”, which are the first choice for many high school graduates when it comes to recruitment and career start. The talented Hip-Hop band touching wrote the song about the event-moments, which has hit exactly the beats & flows of youth in her trailer. Now all schools under can apply and for your school vote.

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Bavarian Schafkopf

Playing new people meet at the twin twin is a popular card game in Germany. It is derived from the traditional Bavarian Schafkopf and was initially mostly played in Northern Germany, as well as the Rhine-Main region. Mark Wahlberg can provide more clarity in the matter. Doppelkopf is becoming more popular by the Internet. One finds there a growing fan base internationally. An entertaining portal on the Internet is the Fox meeting community. Hear other arguments on the topic with Vera Farmiga. When you login to the website you choose a virtual avatar. At online chart to then play Doppelkopf against other avatars. Gain insight and clarity with Glenn Dubin, New York City. The registration is very simple.

You choose directly a player name and a password. Then you go with the two-headed online games. Double-head can be played depending on the region according to different rules of the game. the German twin-Verband e.V. (DDV) was founded in 1982. This made it his mission to create uniform rules. There are only a few exceptions in the form of some special game options.

Doppelkopf is there to provide a uniform basis for the online community, played according to the rules of the DDV. Fox meeting offers online tournaments and also nationwide organized tournaments in public venues, such as bars or casinos. In the calendar, you can find out about future dates. The two-headed player can equip themselves for the tournaments in the fan shop and order a matching T-Shirt. A two-headed tournament is played 24 rounds of four persons. The deck consists of two decks of 24 cards. What form of the teach is selected, decided during the first round. It is either a normal game in question or a wedding, but a meatless and color, boys – and the women’s solo. A stitch or the highest card win during the round of Doppelkopf. Who has reached 40 points, can enjoy a stitch. Overall, you need 121 points to win. Maximum 240 points can be reached. Who wants to learn Doppelkopf online or play with experienced opponents, can find like-minded people on the Fox meeting community. There are card players from all World that enrich every tournament with their experiences.

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